2013年3月28日 星期四

SOCKS4 Server安裝方式 in Debian(Howto for SOCKS4 Server in Debian)

因為需要架設socks4的server(在公司電腦需要轉接才能連接網際網路),網路上可以找到的資料很少再加上看到這篇的 關係(要閱讀socks設定的文件對新手而言是有困難的不是嗎?),就研究了一下相關資料。其實以前曾找過但放棄了(socks主機大概很少人需要,相關 資料太少),這次再嘗試終於成功了。我測試過的套件有tsocks 、socks4-server、dante-server。其中設定檔看來最簡單的是socks4-server,只可惜無法成功,最後反而是看來設定檔 比較複雜的dante-server成功了。以下是相關步驟及說明:

#apt-get install dante-server
#vi /etc/danted.conf

我成功運作SOCKS4 Server的設定檔如下,以刪除多餘#標記起來的說明以利閱讀。範例中我的Server有兩個ip分別負責接受連線(以及往外連線(。

# the server will log both via syslog, to stdout and to /var/log/lotsoflogs
#logoutput: syslog stdout /var/log/lotsoflogs
logoutput: stderr

# The server will bind to the address, port 1080 and will only
# accept connections going to that address.
#internal: port = 1080
# Alternatively, the interface name can be used instead of the address.
internal:  port = 1080

# all outgoing connections from the server will use the IP address

# list over acceptable methods, order of preference.
# A method not set here will never be selected.
# If the method field is not set in a rule, the global
# method is filled in for that rule.
# methods for socks-rules.
method: none #rfc931

# methods for client-rules.
clientmethod: none

# when doing something that can require privilege, it will use the
# userid:
user.privileged: proxy

# when running as usual, it will use the unprivileged userid of:
user.notprivileged: nobody
# If you compiled with libwrap support, what userid should it use
# when executing your libwrap commands?  "libwrap".
user.libwrap: nobody

# This is identical to above, but allows clients without a rfc931 (ident)
# too.  In practise this means the socksserver will try to get a rfc931
# reply first (the above rule), if that fails, it tries this rule.
client pass {
        from: port 1-65535 to:

# everyone from our internal network, is allowed to use
# tcp and udp for everything else.
pass {
        from: to:
        protocol: tcp udp
將上述設定檔完成後,重新開啟dante-server(#/etc/init.d/danted restart)就可以接受連線了,像我的Bitcoin錢包的軟體就設定成socks4連線方式是:
  1. IP:
  2. port:1080
  3. socks協定版本:4

Because the need to set up the socks4 the server (on company my computer needs an adapter to connect the Internet)and Novice reading the configuration is more difficult is not it?, i studied the relevant information. Previously actually looked, but gave up (probably very few people need information related to) this attempt finally succeeded. I tested the package tsocks, socks4-server, dante-server.socks4-server's configuration file seems to be the easiest , but unfortunately can not be successful, last but seems more complex configuration dante-server successful. The following is the relevant steps and instructions:

1.install dante-server
#apt-get install dante-server
2.edit configuration
#vi /etc/danted.conf

SOCKS4 Server successful operation the following profile, to facilitate the reading to remove the extra # mark up. Example my Server the two ip responsible accept connections ( out connections (

# the server will log both via syslog, to stdout and to /var/log/lotsoflogs
#logoutput: syslog stdout /var/log/lotsoflogs
logoutput: stderr

# The server will bind to the address, port 1080 and will only
# accept connections going to that address.
#internal: port = 1080
# Alternatively, the interface name can be used instead of the address.
#Set internal NIC connections of socks host ip and port 
internal:  port = 1080

# all outgoing connections from the server will use the IP address
#Set host foreign connection to the Internet NIC ip

# list over acceptable methods, order of preference.
# A method not set here will never be selected.
# If the method field is not set in a rule, the global
# method is filled in for that rule.
# methods for socks-rules.
method: none #rfc931

# methods for client-rules.
clientmethod: none

# when doing something that can require privilege, it will use the
# userid:
user.privileged: proxy

# when running as usual, it will use the unprivileged userid of:
user.notprivileged: nobody
# If you compiled with libwrap support, what userid should it use
# when executing your libwrap commands?  "libwrap".
user.libwrap: nobody

# This is identical to above, but allows clients without a rfc931 (ident)
# too.  In practise this means the socksserver will try to get a rfc931
# reply first (the above rule), if that fails, it tries this rule.
#Set intranet connections socks host ip and port
client pass {
        from: port 1-65535 to:

# everyone from our internal network, is allowed to use
# tcp and udp for everything else.
#Set the internal network can be connected the socks host ip protocol
pass {
        from: to:
        protocol: tcp udp

SOCKS4 Server successful operation the following profile, to facilitate the reading to remove the extra # mark up. Example my Server the two ip responsible accept connections ( out connections (

  1. IP:
  2. port:1080
  3. socks protocol :4


2013年3月24日 星期日

使用PDF creator將多個檔案合併成一個PDF的教學

因為有不少朋友問道如何將數個PDF合併成一個或是如何將不同檔案轉成一份PDF,眾所皆知的最方便的是以Adobe Acrobat standard來作(reader不行),但畢竟一般人並不需要那麼多功能且得花上不少錢,最後我都是建議朋友用PDFCreator來作。PDFcreator安裝完後會 產生一台虛擬印表機PDFCreator,選擇該印表機後按照正常方式按列印就會出現對話視窗,下面連結是我幫朋友做的教學,需要的請下載。
